The Network
MC&Co. is an Expert Network that helps clients in various sectors find the right solutions to operational challenges and economic uncertainties that stand to cripple their business models. Besides management consulting and training/coaching, the Network provides tailored solutions that span the creative realm — including marketing, writing, editing and public relations.
We only assign to your project our top experts and Network members who have deep knowledge of your industry. This simplified, less bureaucratic organizational structure affords us intellectual agility, a speedy review of clients’ challenges, and a focused approach to strategic problem definition and tactical solution implementation.
Our Network members are experts in fields as diverse as:
- Accounting and Management
- Applied Mathematics & Computational Science
- Biological & Artificial Systems
- Business, Government and the International Economy
- Computer Science
- Defense/National Security
- Economy/Business
- Electrical Engineering
- Energy & Environmental Systems
- Entrepreneurial Management
- Finance
- General Management
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- International Relations
- Law & Regulation
- Leadership & Public Service
- Marketing
Materials & Devices - Negotiation, Organizations & Markets
- NGO/Nonprofits
- Organizational Behavior
- Science, Technology, & Public Policy
- Science/Environment
- Social Policy
- State & Local Government
- Strategy
- Technology and Operations Management
- US Government/Politics